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16 And Pregnant _TOP_

The researchers also found that teens who thought they were similar to the pregnant teens were more likely to have a lower perception of their own risk for pregnancy, greater acceptance of myths about teen pregnancy and more favorable attitudes about teen pregnancy.

16 and Pregnant

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Aubrey says that one of the "myths of teen pregnancy" that is measured in the study is that most teenage fathers stay involved with the young woman they have made pregnant. In reality, most teenage fathers do not stay involved, Aubrey said, citing National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy data. In the show, however, the teenage fathers typically do stay, she said.

Viewers first saw 17-year-old Farrah Abraham on "16 & Pregnant." She was a cheerleader who was pregnant with her ex-boyfriend Derek Underwood's child. Underwood died two months before their daughter, Sophia, was born.

The model and cage fighter complains that she "can't do anything I normally would do" after she becomes pregnant. Now 17, she gave birth to daughter Aniyah last October and is still seeing her baby daddy.

Her boyfriend Iman's dad "wanted [her] to get an abortion right that day" when they told him Sabrina was pregnant. The former cheerleader gave birth to daughter Audrey and lives with her baby dady (a football player).

I think these type of shows discourage teen pregnancy. yes i watch teen moms, i dont talk about it with my friends cause they dont watch them. i think for me it shows what they go through and whats its like in how hard it is .. so other teen girls will be smarter in wont go out in get pregnant.

I believe shows such as 16 and pregnant and teen mom do promote teen pregancy. I believe that these shows are positive towards teen sex and pregnancy. The parents on these shows actually support their children.

16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom, and 30 Something Grandma are an actual trilogy of television shows, capturing the dysfunctional cycle of young women who get pregnant, become unprepared parents too early, typically get abandoned or under-supported by their equally unready male counterparts, and then witness their young children repeat the behavior less than twenty years later. What's amazing about these shows is the racial diversity. Black, Hispanic, and white girls are all represented, underscoring that widespread fatherlessness and the explosion in out-of-wedlock births are now their own equal opportunity tsunami, leaving children of black, brown, and increasingly white single mothers in its destructive wake.

Lauren Dolgen created 16 and Pregnant and has spoken about why she decided to do the show. Ultimately, it was because of teenage girls who get pregnant: she wrote for CNN that they were "the ones whose stories weren't being told."

According to Ranker, one girl named Ashley Salazar had a pretty dramatic episode, and anyone who has watched every episode of the series will most likely recall it for that reason. When she got pregnant in high school, she agreed to let her aunt and uncle adopt her baby... but then she asked for the baby so she could be the parent. And then she gave the baby back to her family.

Some of the girls who we first watched on 16 and Pregnant have become super famous. One of them is Maci Bookout, who we first saw on the show when she was pregnant with her first child, Bentley. Now she is married and has several other children.

The purpose of the show started out as a warning and a message to teens nationwide: Becoming pregnant as a teenager is challenging, difficult, and often happens when you're not ready or prepared for it. This remained the intent of the show even as it accumulated more drama with each ongoing season. In order to bolster this message, the cast was required to be completely truthful about everything they went through. Their personal stories and personal accounts of struggle were what made the show so honest and raw. It's these stories that fans couldn't get enough of and also what informed many teens about the truth behind teenage pregnancy.

Let's face it: Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but it's not the most glamorous. This was a side that 16 and Pregnant showed off particularly well, especially when it came to life as a pregnant teenage girl. The moms-to-be were absolutely required to be 100% honest when it came to their experiences because it's this side that fans would witness and cling to. The show was not intended to make the life of a teenage parent seem idealistic or fun, it was intended to show off what it's really like. With the help of the moms, this goal was achieved and finally the world had an idea of what teens really go through. 041b061a72


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