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Learn 737 Maintenance at Your Own Location with CBT Download

the course is designed to be used in conjunction with the training materials that can be found at the boeing 737 master training course provides access to the online training and learning aids that the student will need to successfully complete the course. the courseware consists of 19 full-length modules with over 100 exercises. the courseware includes a separate student content area for the instructor to guide the student through the exercises and questions. to use the courseware, instructors access the instructor content with the instructor guiding the student through the exercises and questions. the content is rich with graphics and animations, making it a valuable learning tool.

737 maintenance training cbt download

the boeing 737-800 professional training course is a professional-level boeing 737 training course designed to provide the student with knowledge of the maintenance procedures of the boeing 737-800. the courseware consists of 19 full-length modules with more than 100 exercises. the courseware includes a separate student content area for the instructor to guide the student through the exercises and questions. to use the courseware, instructors access the instructor content with the instructor guiding the student through the exercises and questions. the content is rich with graphics and animations, making it a valuable learning tool.

the boeing 737-800 pilot training course is a boeing 737 training course designed for pilots who are learning to become type rated to fly the boeing 737-800. the courseware consists of 19 full-length modules with more than 100 exercises. the courseware includes a separate student content area for the instructor to guide the student through the exercises and questions. to use the courseware, instructors access the instructor content with the instructor guiding the student through the exercises and questions. the content is rich with graphics and animations, making it a valuable learning tool.


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