139582 Zip
Archive: ATNF_PULSARS_V2.ZIP Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 285 12-18-04 15:55 atnf_pulsars_v2/pulsars.html 224036 12-23-04 21:48 atnf_pulsars_v2/pulsars_atnf_v2.stc 139582 12-23-04 21:48 atnf_pulsars_v2/pulsars_density_v2.cel 132028 12-23-04 21:49 atnf_pulsars_v2/pulsars_periods_v2.cel 1977 12-23-04 21:55 atnf_pulsars_v2/pulsars_readme_v2.txt 18 12-18-04 14:28 atnf_pulsars_v2/unmark-all.cel -------- ------- 497926 6 filesThis Addon works with Celestia v1.3.1 or later.Itdisplays the locations of the 1509 pulsars listed inthe ATNF database at files are provided:pulsars_atnf_v2.stcis a catalog which defines them as neutron stars with locations andperiods as specifiedin the ATNF database.pulsars_density_v2.celis a script which marks the pulsars with shades of red through yellowto whiteproportional to their density in space.The location of the sun is marked by a large green +pulsars_period_v2.celis a script which marks the pulsars with shades of red, green and blueproportional to the log10 of their frequencies:red are the slowest, green intermediate, and blue spin the fastest.The location of the sun is marked by a large green +unmark-all.cel is a script which removes all marks. The unmarkall command also is included at the beginning of the two pulsar scripts to simplify switching between them.pulsars.htmlincludes a Cel://URL to place you at an appropriate distancefrom the Milky Way to see the pulsar distribution.pulsars_readme_v2.txtwhich contains the same information you're reading here.Although some effects can be seen which may be due towhere pulsar searches have looked,the outlines of nearby arms of the Milky Way can be seen clearly.Improvements for v2:repaired truncated pulsar names, repaired truncated ra & dec valuesoutput period in double precisionshortened color valuesATNF pulsar distributionThis thumbnail links to a much larger image.This Cel:// URL takes you to this viewpoint: ATNF pulsar distributionAcknowledgements:This DSC catalog was generated from the database provided by theAustralia Telescope National Facility at [back to Contents]3.5.15: Milky Way Objects.galaxy_map.zip (650KB, 11Dec06)Translated for use with Celestiaby S. Ball, December, 2006.Contents copyright 2006, Kevin Jardine & Selden Ball.This Addon was created from a spreadsheet ofMilky Way objects provided by Kevin Jardine. See version (v2) of the update disables the DSC catalogsand instead uses scripts to mark the objects. This provides significantly better performance.Restore this Zip file into your "extras" or "Addons" directory. This shouldcreate the directory "galaxy_map" containing this documentation,its Catalog files, scripts, models, textures and source directory. The catalogs and scripts show 8978 objects in 4 categories. Of the 9041 objects in the original spreadsheet, 63 nebulae do not have valid distances and are not shown. They are in the spreadsheet because Kevin has pictures of them on his Web site. A separate script is provided for each of the categories.If you select (double-click-on) these scripts, you'll see the following: milky-way-cl.cel 1013 clusters of stars represented by blue circles milky-way-co.cel 1899 molecular clouds represented by green circles milky-way-hii.cel 901 nebulae (mostly HII regions) represented by red circles milky-way-st.cel 5165 stars represented by white circles. Many of these stars are far beyond Celestia's 16KLY star distance limit, including a few Wolf-Rayet stars at the galactic center. unmark-all.cel removes all marks markSol.cel displays the location of our Sun STC Star catalogs are used to define the objects' locations so the scripts have objects to mark. Stars are drawn efficiently by Celestia, but have the problem that these objects cannot easily be selected or labeled because of the distances to them. All of these objects, including the stars, all are arbitrarily classed as M9. No luminosity or spectral information is provided in the spreadsheet used to create the catalogs.DSC Nebula objects are not (yet?) handled efficiently by Celestia, so the DSC catalog files included here have been disabled by appending the letters "NO" to their filetypes. This causes Celestia to ignore them. If you enable the DSC catalogs, you'll be able to select the objects and see their labels.A separate DSC catalog file is provided for each of the four categories.If you enable these Catalogs by removing "NO" from their filetypes, you'll see the following: milky-way-cl.dsc 1013 clusters represented using the blue spherical model "cl.cmod" milky-way-co.dsc 1899 molecular clouds represented using the green model "co.cmod" milky-way-hii.dsc 901 nebulae (mostly HII regions) represented using the red model "hii.cmod" milky-way-st.dsc 5165 stars represented using the white model "st.cmod" Many of these stars are far beyond Celestia's 16KLY star distance limit, including a few Wolf-Rayet stars at the galactic center.All of the DSC models are translucent, since some of the objects areinside others. No attempt has been made to display the actual shapes of any of these objects. All of the models are spherical.The star models are drawn with a radius of 50 ly just to make them readily visible from a distance. Some of these stars already are included in Celestia, but some are not. Of course, Celestia defines the locations of many stars, which it shows as points.Celestia does not (yet?) provide a way to select different Nebula object types to be displayed at runtime. However, you can change the filetypes of the catalogs that you do not want to see so that Celestia won't recognize them when it starts up. I usually disable catalogs by appending the letters NO to the filetype. That way Celestia doesn't recognize them and it's obvious which catalogs I've disabled.Here are a few viewpoints to display these objects in Celestia.Note that these URLs work best in Celestia v1.5.0. Celestia v1.4.1 provides only a generic galaxy model, while v1.5.0 has one based on recent surveys of the Milky Way.Milky Way from above (Galactic North)objects from above, galactic center is downplane of Milky Way (seen from l2=270)Although Kevin thinks that the currently available surveys of individual galactic objects provide poor evidence for a spiral structure, I was pleasantly surprised at the good matchbetween his catalog and the spiral structure represented by the model of the Milky Way that is provided with Celestia v1.5.0.The contents of this Addon are copyright 2006, Kevin Jardine & Selden Ball. All rights reserved.This Addon may be freely redistributed for educational purposes.It may not be used for commercial advantage without the written permission of the authors.[back to Contents]3.5.16: Hipparcos Star Catalog. simbad-hipparcos_v114.zip (1.9 MB, expands to 2.2 MB, 30Oct18)
This Addon for Celestia v1.6.1 or later provides an updated binary catalog of 114357 stars from the Hipparcos Catalog. It provides star distances, coordinates, spectral types and visual magnitudes obtained from Simbad, as provided by Gaia DR2 and other recent research.
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